Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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║ HyperAct, Inc. ║
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║ Coralville IA 52241 U.S.A ║
║ Compuserve - 76350,333 ║
║ Phone/Fax - (319) 351-8413 ║
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* HLPDK V11.5+ System Library Documentation. *
* Last Update - Feb. 11, 1994. (c) 1993, 94 HyperAct Inc. *
* Author : Ron Loewy *
HLPDK System Extention Library.
"Write Once, Help Many!"
* Introduction *
HDKLIB is an extention library to HLPDK that adds functionality to
the HLPDK package, by including special "User Link Templates" that add support
for special links, special graphics, enhanced text attributes and more.
HDKLIB uses the HLPDK .USERLINK statement to add functionality to the HLPDK
system, and offer simple methods to create graphic links, normal text links,
256 color bitmap support, video, CDAudio, Multimedia MCI interface etc ..
WINHELP users have access to the complete macro API, using !xxx user links.
The UNDOCUMENTED WINHELP macros are supported as well!
* Warranty *
There is no warranty what so ever, The package is supplied as is,
The distributor (HyperAct Inc.), or the author (Loewy Ron), are not,
and will not be responsible for any damages, lost profits,
or inconveniences caused by the use, or inability to use this package.
The use of the program is at your own risk.
By using (or attempting to use) the package you agree to this.
* Distribution *
HDKLIB is free to registered users of HLPDK. If you are not a HLPDK registered
user, you are allowed to evaluate HLPDK and HDKLIB for a reasonable amount of
time (Up to 1 Month).
Please consult the HLPDK.DOC and HLPDK.REG files that come with the evaluation
package of HLPDK.
* Contact *
Please contact :
HyperAct Inc.
P.O.Box 5517
Coralville IA 52241
E-Mail : Compuserve - 76350,333
Phone : (319) 351-8413
To contact the author directly please write to :
Loewy Ron
E-Mail : Compuserve - 100274,162
* Setup *
Copy the files to the directory you use to keep HLPDK.
Every help/hypertext/hypermedia database you use with HDKLIB should include
a line of the format :
.include [d:\path\to\hdklib-directory\]HDKLIB.HDF
and all the HDKLIB functions are available.
* Operation *
After you have .INCLUDEd the HDKLIB.HDF library in your HDF source, you
can use the following NEW functions and templates :
Text Attributes :
boldText - Display Text in Bold. ~Text to display~boldText~
italicText - Display Text in Italic ~Text to display~italicText~
underlineText - Display Text underlined ~Text to display~underlineText~
boldItalicText - Display Bold Italic Text ~Text to display~boldItalicText~
fontText - Display Text in font X ~Text in font 3~fontText(3)~
Topics :
dropContext - set a context in text ~myContext~dropContext~
You can later jump to the context point using the !jumpID macro.
Links :
NormalTextLink - Link not underlined ~Click Here~NormalTextLink(linkId)~
NormalTextPopup - Popup not underlined ~Click Here~NormalTextPopup(popupId)~
graphicLink - Link connected to bitmap ~Text~graphicLink(myBmp LinkId)~
Should declare a .GRAPHIC myBmp c:\..\myfile.bmp
graphicPopup - Popup connected to bitmap ~Text~graphicPopup(myBmp PopupId)
Should declared a .GRAPHIC myBmp c:\..\myfile.bmp
Macros :
Complete WINHELP macro API reference is provided, if there is a macro such
as the About() WINHELP macro, you can rfer to it with the !about user link.
e.g. - Using the ExecProgram WINHELP macro, to start NOTEPAD.EXE in minimized
mode can be used with !execProgram(notepad.exe 2)
For the complete macro reference, please consult the WINHELP macro
documentation in the programming reference guide that came with your
development package, or the Microsoft WHAG package.
WINHELP Macros Quick Referece -
About - Displays the About dialog box
e.g. ~text~!about~
AddAccelerator - Assigns a macro to an accelerator key
e.g. ~text~!addAccelerator(0x73 7 'About()')~
Annotate - Displays Annotation dialog box
e.g. ~text~!annotate~
AppendItem - Appends a menu item
e.g. ~text~!appendItem(ID_MENU ID_ITEM &Item 'JI("","TOP")'~
Back - Displays previous topic in the history list
e.g. ~text~!back~
BookmarkDefine - Displays the Define dialog box
e.g. ~text~!bookmarkDefine~
BookmarkMore - Displays the More dialog box
e.g. ~text~!bookmarkMore~
BrowseButtons - Adds browse buttons
e.g. ~text~!browseButtons~
ChangeButtonBinding - Assigns a macro to a button
e.g. ~text~!ChangeButtonBinding(btn_contents 'JI("","NEWTOP")')~
ChangeItemBinding - Assigns a macro to a menu item
e.g. ~text~!changeItemBinding(DISP_ABOUT About())~
CheckItem - Checks a menu item
e.g. ~text~!checkItem(ID_ITEM)~
CloseWindow - Closes a window
e.g. ~text~!closeWindow(ID_WIN)~
Contents - Displays the Contents topic
e.g. ~text~!contents~
CopyDialog - Displays the Copy dialog box
e.g. ~text~!copyDialog~
CopyTopic - Copies current topic to the clipboard
e.g. ~text~!copyTopic~
CreateButton - Adds a new button to the button bar
e.g. ~text~!createButton(ID_BUTTON BUT_NAME JI("","TOP")~
DeleteItem - Removes a menu item
e.g. ~text~!deleteItem(ID_ITEM)~
DeleteMark - Deletes a text marker
e.g. ~text~!deleteMark(Marker)~
DestroyButton - Removes a button from the button bar
e.g. ~text~!destroyButton(ID_BUTTON)~
DisableButton - Disables a button
e.g. ~text~!disableButton(ID_BUTTON)~
DisableItem - Disables a menu item
e.g. ~text~!disableItem(ID_ITEM)~
EnableButton - Enables a button
e.g. ~text~!enableButton(ID_BUTTON)~
EnableItem - Enables a menu item
e.g. ~text~!enableItem(ID_ITEM)~
ExecProgram - Executes a program
e.g. ~text~!execProgram(clock.exe 0)~
Exit - Exits
e.g. ~text~!exit~
FileOpen - Displays the Open dialog box
e.g. ~text~!fileOpen~
FocusWindow - Changes the focus window
e.g. ~text~!focusWindow(ID_WIN)~
GoToMark - Jumps to a marker
e.g. ~text~!gotoMark(MARKER)~
HelpOn - Displays the Help on Using topic
e.g. ~text~!helpOn~
HelpOnTop - Toggles on-top state of help
e.g. ~text~!helpOnTop~
History - Displays the history list
e.g. ~text~!history~
IfThen - Executes macro if marker exists
e.g. ~text~!ifThen(MARKER 'JI("","TOP")')~
IfThenElse - Executes one of two macros if marker exists
e.g. ~text~!ifThenElse(Marker MACROTRUE MACROFALSE)~
InsertItem - Inserts a menu item
e.g. ~text~!insertItem(ID_MENU ID_ITEM &Item MACRO 3)~
InsertMenu - Inserts a new menu
e.g. ~text~!insertMenu(ID_MENU &Menu 2)~
IsMark - Tests if a marker is set
e.g. ~text~!ismark(MARKER)~
JumpContents - Jumps to the Contents topic
e.g. ~text~!JumpContents(FILENAME)~
JumpContext - Jumps to the specified context
e.g. ~text~jumpContext(FILENAME TOP_ID)~
JumpHelpOn - Jumps to Using Help file
e.g. ~text~!jumpHelpOn~
JumpId - Jumps to the specified topic
e.g. ~text~!jumpId(FILENAME TOP_NAME)~
JumpKeyword - Jumps to the topic containing the keyword
e.g. ~text~!jumpKeyword(FILENAME KEYWORD)~
Next - Displays the next topic in the browse sequence
e.g. ~text~!next~
Not - Reverses the IsMark macro
e.g. ~text~!not(MARKER)~
PopupContext - Displays a topic in a popup window
e.g. ~text~!popupContext(FILENAE POPUP_ID)~
PopupId - Displays topic in a popup window
e.g. ~text~!popupId(FILENAE POPUP_NAME)~
PositionWindow - Sets the size and position of a window
e.g. ~text~!positionWindow(x y w h state ID_WIN)~
Prev - Displays previous topic in browse sequence
e.g. ~text~!prev~
Print - Prints the current topic
e.g. ~text~!print~
PrinterSetup - Displays the Printer Setup dialog box
e.g. ~text~!printerSetup~
RegisterRoutine - Registers a DLL function
e.g. ~text~!registerRoutine(DLL FUNC PARAMETERS)~
RemoveAccelerator - Assigns a macro to an accelerator key
e.g. ~text~!removeAccelerator(KEY SHIFT_STATE)~
SaveMark - Saves a marker
e.g. ~text~!saveMark(MARKER)~
Search - Displays the Search dialog box
e.g. ~text~!search~
SetContents - Sets the Contents topic
e.g. ~text~!setContents(FILENAME TOP_ID)~
SetHelpOnFile - Sets the Using Help help file
e.g. ~text~!setHelpOnFile(FILENAME)~
UncheckItem - Unchecks a menu item
e.g. ~text~!uncheckItem(ID_ITEM)~
Undocumented :
ExtAbleItem - Enable and Disable the menu_item, with
toggle 0 = Enable, toggle 1 = Disable.
ExtInsertItem - Same as InsertItem, but with one additional parameter that
allows you to set the menu state initially to enable or
disable state. 0 = Enable, 1 = Disable
Notice that the 1st parameter in this macro allows you to
set sub-menus in menus, a thing that can not be achieved
with the documented winhelp macros.
FloatingMenu - Call the floating menu, that has been created with the
routines and the mnu_floating undocumented menu id.
ResetMenu - Restore's the winhelp standard menu.
JumpHash, PopupHash - Jump according to the internal hash id.
Multimedia :
Interface to the MCI String Command interface, with support for VfW AVI Video
files, CDAudio, and any MCI String for any MultiMedia device supported by MCI.
videoLink - Play AVI video.
e.g. ~text~videoLink(MOVIE.AVI)~
CDAudioLink - Play a range of CDAudio tracks (From, To)
e.g. ~text~CDAudioLink(5 7)~
mciStringLink - Send a genric MCI String command
e.g. ~text~mciStringLink('open sequenced!mymusic.mid alias music')~
Multimedia Viewer
Text Attributes : Same as winHelp
Topics : Same as winHelp
Links : Same as winHelp
Macros : Same as winHelp
MultiMedia : Interface to MCI String commands, as in WINHELP.
256 Bitmaps :
bmp256, bmp256Left, bmp256Right - Display 256 color bitmap in an embedded pane.
Gbmp256, Gbmp256Left and Gbmp256Right - are the same, but associate bitmaps
defined in .graphic command.
Ebmp256, Ebmp256Left, EbmpRight - are the same, but for graphics defined
in .embedd commands. This is the prefered
method for MM Viewer!
RTF Word Processors
Text Attributes : Same as winHelp
IPF (OS/2)
IPF extention need HLPDK V11.0 or later, Version 10.0 is NOT enough.
Text Attributes :
boldText - Display Text in Bold. ~Text to display~boldText~
italicText - Display Text in Italic ~Text to display~italicText~
underlineText - Display Text underlined ~Text to display~underlineText~
boldItalicText - Display Bold Italic Text ~Text to display~boldItalicText~
Links :
graphicLink - Link connected to bitmap ~Text~graphicLink(myBmp LinkId)~
Should declare a .GRAPHIC myBmp c:\..\myfile.bmp
Text Attributes :
boldText - Display Text in Bold. ~Text to display~boldText~
italicText - Display Text in Italic ~Text to display~italicText~
boldItalicText - Display Bold Italic Text ~Text to display~boldItalicText~